Week of June 12-Last Week of First Grade

This is the last week of first grade! How can it be? We have learned and grown so much!! This time of year is bitter and sweet. I am sad because I have to say goodbye to little people that have been a part of my life for the last 10 months.I woke up every day to be with them and now they are gone. I am happy, because they have worked hard and learned a lot and ready to move on. Enjoy each and every day because there are no do overs in this thing we call life.

Next Week

Believe it or not, there is still a lot of learning going on in our room. We started our group research projects and look forward to spending these last few days together. Coming to school, being on time, and staying until the day is done are great lessons in life.

Monday-Full Day of instruction

Field Day is scheduled for the morning-please dress for the weather. Orange shirts for first graders, sneakers, water bottles marked with child’s name and sunscreen.


Tuesday is a walking field trip to the Allen Park Library. Dismissal is at 11:40.

Wednesday and Thursday are also half-days with dismissal at 11:40.

Thank You-Thank You-Thank You

Thank you so much for the very generous gift card to Target!! It was totally unexpected!! It will come in handy for additional book shelves for my classroom. You’re the BEST!!

Have an AWESOME summer!! Make time for some  great adventures and reading!!

🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂




Week Of June 5th

Next Week

Spelling/Word Work

There will not be a formal spelling list next week. We will use next week to review some important concepts like plurals (adding s or es), adding ed and ing.

Guided Reading

We will be reading the book Surprising Sharks, by Nicola Davies.


We will be doing more with informational writing and group research projects.


We have been working hard with place value and getting to know numbers better. We have also been taking timed addition and subtraction tests. These tests are intended to check your child’s computation skills and their quickness. Although the test is not required in first grade, it will help prepare them for the fall. Your child should be able to complete the 36 problems within 5 minutes.


We will get to light this week.


There will not be a homework packet coming home the last 2 weeks. Please continue to read with your child and logon to IXL math. We are very fortunate to have a paid subscription to IXL so please take advantage of it.


Don’t forget about our picnic in the Bennie courtyard next Friday. Use the link below to RSVP or help with donations. 🙂


Thank You!! 🙂