Week of May 28-Week 36

Guiding Readers

The story for next week is A Bad Case of the Stripes by David Shannon.


Our list for next week will be a review of words that are frequently misspelled. There is only one list.

The words for next week are:

they, was, here, want, our, said, any, what, of, where

Some great ways to practice are typing them on a computer, spell them out using play-dough, try writing them outside with sidewalk chalk.


We will be reviewing the different types of writing we have learned. This will include narrative (writing about something personal to the writer), informational (something the writer knows about-birds, turtles, etc.), persuasive and opinion (trying to get something or writing about how you feel about something).

Guided Reading Bags

Our guided reading library will be closing this Friday, which means the leveled books your child has been reading will no longer be available. I will do my best to supplement texts, so they can continue to read with you at home.


We started chapter 13, addition and subtraction to 40. This chapter will help us prepare for the math in second grade. Learning more about the importance of place value and making sure to start working with the ones and moving over to the left. This is the opposite direction in which we learn to read so some students have difficulty with this.

The weekly IXL reports I receive every Monday shows only 2 to 3 students that have accessed IXL at home. This is a free resource you can use at home for added practice or review of concepts we have already learned.

Social Studies

We started our discussion about maps and the importance of Memorial Day.


We are wrapping up light and sound. Thanks to our music genius Mr. Skebo for showing us different ways to “see” sound!! He showed us the inner workings of a piano and we could see vibrations traveling through air on the space phone.


Art For the Sky

We are excited as we get ready to create our Art For The Sky  this coming Thursday, May 31st at Lindemann Elementary. If you are not familiar with Art For The Sky project check out artforthesky.com. The image will be our state reptile, the painted turtle.

Allen Park Library

We will be walking to the awesome Allen Park Library Friday, June 1st. The library does a fantastic job of introducing the kids to the building and all the treasures inside. The staff is amazing and great to the kids. It is a great way to get everyone excited for the summer reading program.


Happy Memorial Day!! See you on Tuesday!!



Week of May 21-Week 35

Guiding Readers

Our book for next week is The Pout- Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen.


The list for next week helps to teach the final blend of ck. This is a good review list as well because it also has all the short vowels. Make time to study. 🙂


We will be wrapping up persuasive writing and start reviewing the types of writing we have learned this year.


We will test out of time and begin chapter 13, addition and subtraction to 40. Get on IXL math for extra practice.


Our painted lady butterflies completed their metamorphosis and emerged from their chrysalis. We released them today in the courtyard. Bye Bye Butterflies!!

We were able to begin learning about light, so more of that next week along with sound.

Social Studies

We wrapped up our study of Michigan by sampling some food products made in Michigan. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Clair for helping us out today. The kids got to sample muffins made from Jiffy Mix, Corn Flakes from Kellogg’s and milk from Calder’s Dairy. YUM!!

This will take us into learning about maps.

DRA Assessment

I was able to complete DRA testing this week. A note will be coming home on Monday to show your child’s growth since September. If your first grader was not at a level 16 yet, I encourage you to read EVERY day. I will test them again soon for the last report card.

Thank You for all you do!! Have a super weekend!! 🙂

Week of May 14th-Week 34


Guiding Readers

Our story for next week is One Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies.



The list for this week helps us learn about the final blends mp/nd/nt. Don’t forget to practice the sight words too. These ‘w’ words can give first graders some trouble.


We are continuing to work on persuasive writing.


We will finish up with time and hopefully move on to chapter 13 which is addition and subtraction to 40. This will help us prepare for second grade math. Many students had trouble with the half past hands on a clock. Try to make some time for practice if you see this on your child’s work that came home.


We have been observing our caterpillars and are waiting for them to emerge from their chrysalis. Hopefully, we can move on to light and sound.

Social Studies

As we finish up learning about Michigan, we will move into learning more about maps.

DRA Reading Assessment

I have begun to test the students for their final DRA reading level. This final level will be passed on to next year’s 2nd grade teacher. It is very important to continue to read and have your child retell the story so they will keep growing. Just as in any sport or activity, practice strengthens what you have already learned and helps you become better. Even as an  equestrian rider I see this with my skills on a horse. Ten to fifteen minutes a day can make a difference.

NWEA Testing

We completed our spring NWEA testing and everyone persevered and did their best! I am so  proud of their effort and how much they have grown. Thank You for your support during this time. It takes the home and school connection to help children grow and learn!!


Thank you so much for your little gifts, flowers and notes this week for Teacher Appreciation Week!! You really made me feel special!! 🙂

Have a FABULOUS weekend!! 

Week of May 7-Week 33

Next Week

Guiding Readers

Our story for next week is The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pazzoli.


The list for this week teaches us about adding ed and ing to words. Many first graders write some words that have an ed at the end but put a “t” because that is the sound they hear. For example, the word jumped sounds like a t and not the ed. This is an important rule to remember. PLEASE don’t forget to make time to practice!!


We are continuing to work on  persuasive writing. Many students are getting much better at capitalizing the first word in a sentence and adding the correct punctuation at the end.


We are trying to finish up time. Many students are having some trouble knowing what the hands on a clock look like at the half-hour. Extra work on IXL math may be helpful.


Painted Lady caterpillars arrived in our classroom on Monday so we are observing and learning about their changes.

Social Studies

We are still working on learning more about our state.


NWEA testing is Wednesday and Thursday. We will be testing both days at 10:15. Getting a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast help students be prepared.

Progress Reports

Look for the last progress report to come home next week. We are in the final weeks of first grade with a lot of learning left to do. Please make sure to sign and return the report.

Color Run

The Color Run is scheduled for next Friday, May 11th. If your child is interested in participating make sure to sign up.

Warm Weather

As the temperatures begin to heat up, please remember the dress code, especially with sandals and flip flops. Students go outside every day and flip flops or open toe sandals are not safe. Tiny toes can easily get hurt with no protection.